According to the author "Proponents of same-sex marriage have long argued that the institution of marriage is a unique expression of love and commitment and that calling the unions of same-sex couples anything else is a form of second-class citizenship; they also point out that many legal rights are tied to marriage"
Basically what the author is saying is that many people believe marriage is about love and commitment.
November 14
- Citation- A quotation from a book or some kind of reference. It is used to provide evidence or details.
- MLA Format- Modern Language Association. Used to write papers and site sources within the liberal arts and humanities.
- Works cited page- It lists info. in your paper such as location and date. Its used to give more details about your topic.
- Annotated bibliography- A summary of a research that has been done. Its used to summarize data.
- Quoting- A repeat or copy from someone Else's words, typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker. Its used to provide opinions or ideas from other people.
- Paraphrasing- Involves inputting a passage from source material into your own words. It is used to include additional details you've found in an article or source.
- Summarizing- Give a brief statement of the main points of something. Its used to point out important details in articles, passages, stories ect.
- Plagiarism- The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. Its used for cheating, or talking someone else's credit.